The crisis at the border has evolved into a top concern for the average American, although it is being largely ignored by the media.

The crisis at the border has evolved into a top concern for the average American, although it is being largely ignored by the media. With the 2024 election on the horizon, border security has become a significant priority, as indicated by a recent Fox News poll.

According to the poll, 8 out of 10 voters regard the border as a crucial issue, with some even categorizing it as an emergency or major problem. The majority of those surveyed believe that increasing the number of Border Patrol agents is the most effective way to secure the border.

The economy still holds the top spot as the most important issue, but there has been an 8-point increase in the number of registered voters who believe that immigration and border security should be the top priority. Majority of voters think that the immigration situation in the south is an emergency or a major problem, and they support policies to strengthen the border.

The latest Fox News Poll found that 8 in 10 voters view the situation at the southern border as either an emergency or a major problem. When it comes to shoring up the perimeter, the most favored tactic is increasing the number of border agents, with 79% in favor of this approach.

Approximately two-thirds of respondents want to see illegal immigrants deported, and just under two-thirds support penalizing businesses that employ illegal immigrants. Just over half of the respondents also expressed the desire for a U.S. military presence and a border wall.

There are differing opinions between Democrats and Republicans, particularly regarding deportation and allowing illegal immigrants to apply for legal status. A significant majority of Republicans favor the presence of the U.S. military at the border (82%) and the construction of a border wall (88%). 89% of Republicans also support the deportation of illegal immigrants, while Democrats are more divided on the issue.

The border crisis has been escalating, especially under the Biden administration. In less than three years, there has been an estimated 10 million encounters with illegal immigrants at the southern border, a figure equivalent to the population of 41 individual states.

The statistics are staggering, highlighting the harsh reality that Americans are currently facing. The U.S. is being invaded on a daily basis, yet this issue is being largely neglected by the mainstream media. The numbers are broken down month by month, revealing the magnitude of the crisis.

Recent data released by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection indicate that over 900,000 migrants were released into the U.S. in fiscal year 2023 after being apprehended crossing illegally, with a staggering 155,821 releases occurring in September alone. These figures do not include releases by Immigration and Customs Enforcement or at ports of entry.


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